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More things to avoid doing on a first date!

Elite Matchmaking Advice:  20 Things to Avoid Talking About on a First Date

By Destin Pfaff (08-11-2024)

Elite Matchmaking Advice:  10 More Things to Avoid on a DateDates are treacherous enough at times so we want to optimize your chances of having a successful first date and that desired 2nd date.  There are things that tend to work and there are things that you should avoid at all cost.  To start off with in this post we’ll review 20 things to avoid like the plague when out on a date.

  1. Ex-talk: Let's keep the past in the rearview mirror for now! First dates are all about the excitement of new beginnings, so let's focus on the present and future adventures awaiting us. Besides, who needs to dwell on exes when there's a whole world of possibilities ahead?

  2. Money matters: No need to bring out the budget spreadsheets just yet! We're here to enjoy each other's company, not worry about financial forecasts. Let's splurge on great conversation and priceless moments instead. After all, the best things in life are free—like laughter and good vibes!  So guys, pick up the tab but if she wants to split it, let her or if she wants to pay, show her your ego can handle it, after a little respectable protesting of course.

  3. Controversial topics: Who needs heated debates when we can have lighthearted banter? Let's steer clear of politics and religion for now and dive into topics that spark joy and laughter instead! Besides, I'd much rather chat about our favorite ice cream flavors or dream vacation destinations, wouldn't you?  Also don’t give too much personal advice on their life difficulties just quite yet.  They may mention some things that you may have great advice on but don’t go deep or it can turn the spotlight on to their foibles.

  4. Personal insecurities: Confidence is our best accessory tonight! Let's leave the self-doubts at the door and embrace the wonderful quirks that make us who we are. After all, confidence is contagious! Plus, imperfections are what make us interesting—let's celebrate our uniqueness together!  Invest in your smile and a solid look in the eyes without overdoing it, of course!

  5. Negative remarks: Positivity is our secret ingredient for a great date! So, no negativity allowed—let's sprinkle compliments and laughter into every conversation, making this evening one to remember! Life's too short to dwell on the negative, so let's focus on all the reasons to smile instead!

  6. Future plans... together: Slow down, future! We're just getting to know each other. Let's keep our dreams on simmer and savor the delicious uncertainty of where this journey might take us. Who knows? Maybe we'll end up on a spontaneous road trip or exploring a new hobby together!

  7. Family drama: Tonight, it's just you and me, drama-free! Family stories can wait until we're cozy on the couch with a tub of ice cream. For now, let's focus on writing our own story together! After all, every great love story starts with a memorable first chapter.

  8. Health problems: While honesty is important, let's keep the medical history on the back burner for now! We've got plenty of time to share our life stories—tonight, let's focus on enjoying each other's company and creating new memories together. Besides, laughter is the best medicine, right?

  9. TMI (Too Much Information): Let's keep a little mystery in the air tonight! While honesty is vital, there's no need to spill all the beans on the first date. Let's leave some room for intrigue and excitement, saving the juicy details for when we're cozy on the couch sharing stories.

  10.  Marriage and kids: Slow down there, Cupid! While it's natural to have dreams of happily ever after, let's not jump to wedding bells and baby names just yet. Tonight, let's focus on enjoying the present moment and getting to know each other—no pressure, just fun and laughter!

  11. Complaints about work: Leave the office drama at the office! Tonight, it's all about leaving our worries behind and enjoying each other's company. So, let's keep the conversation light and breezy, swapping work complaints for funny anecdotes and future adventures.

  12. Comparisons to exes: Forget the past—tonight, it's all about the here and now! Each person is a unique masterpiece, and there's no need to compare anyone to past flames. Let's embrace the magic of the present moment and see where our own story takes us.


  1. Body insecurities: Confidence is our best accessory tonight! Let's celebrate our bodies for all their quirks and imperfections, knowing that they make us beautifully unique. Besides, who needs six-pack abs when you've got a heart of gold and a killer sense of humor?


  1. Overly personal questions: Let's keep it light and breezy tonight! While honesty is important, there's no need to dive into the deep end of personal questions just yet. Let's focus on getting to know each other at a comfortable pace, one laugh and shared story at a time.


  1. Negative self-talk: Tonight, we're our own cheerleaders! Let's leave the self-doubt at the door and embrace our awesomeness. After all, confidence is sexy, and there's nothing more attractive than someone who knows their worth!


  1. Political extremism: Let's agree to disagree—for now! While it's great to have strong opinions, let's keep the political debates for another time. Tonight, let's focus on finding common ground and enjoying each other's company, no matter our political leanings.


  1. Criticism of hobbies or interests: Tonight, there's no room for critics—only cheerleaders! Whether we're into skydiving or stamp collecting, let's celebrate each other's passions and interests. After all, what's more attractive than someone who's passionate about what they love?


  1. Texting or checking your phone excessively: Put down the phone and live in the moment! Tonight, it's just you, me, and great conversation. Let's make a pact to be present and engaged, savoring every moment we share together.


  1. One-sided conversations: Tonight, it's all about balance! Let's take turns sharing stories, thoughts, and dreams, creating a two-way street of conversation and connection. After all, the best relationships are built on equal parts listening and sharing.


  1. Rushing into intimacy: Slow and steady wins the race! While chemistry is important, let's take our time getting to know each other and building a strong foundation of trust and connection. Tonight, let's focus on enjoying each other's company and letting the sparks fly naturally.


Remember that the best weapon you have on a first date is your confidence.  Look them in the eye, have fun and be respectful.  Avoid these common pitfalls and you’ll find your date is going to be that much more fun and enjoyable and this increases your chances of that coveted second date!


Happy Dating!

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