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10 things to avoid on a first date! Plus 10 things to do!

First dates are notoriously filled with nervousness, awkwardness, and unintended pitfalls. However, keeping these 10 Dating Do’s and Don’ts in mind will help make that date not just something to remember but something to inspire that coveted second date!

Ten things you might want to avoid bringing up on a first date:

  • Ex-talk: It's generally not a good idea to delve into discussions about past relationships or ex-partners on a first date. It can come off as too much emotional baggage or a lack of readiness to move forward.

  • Money matters: Avoid discussing financial problems, salary, or anything related to money too early on. It can make things awkward and might give the impression that you're overly focused on materialistic aspects.

  • Controversial topics: While it's essential to be yourself, diving into highly controversial topics like politics or religion right off the bat can lead to heated debates and potentially ruin the mood.

  • Personal insecurities: Sharing deep personal insecurities or self-doubts might not be the best idea on a first date. It's important to present yourself in a confident and positive light initially.

  • Negative remarks: Try to refrain from making negative comments about anything or anyone, whether it's about your date's appearance, the venue, or anything else. Positivity is key in creating a good impression.

  • Future plans... together: While it's fine to discuss your aspirations and goals, talking about future plans together too soon can be overwhelming for your date. Keep things light and focus on getting to know each other first.

  • Family drama: Avoid delving into complex family dynamics or past family issues on a first date. Save these conversations for later when you both feel more comfortable sharing such personal details.

  • Health problems: While honesty is important, disclosing too much about your health issues or medical history right away might not be the best idea. Save these discussions for when you've built more trust and rapport.

  • TMI (Too Much Information): Remember to maintain some level of mystery and not overshare intimate details about your life, especially anything of a sexual nature, on the first date.

  • Marriage and kids: While it's natural to have long-term goals, discussing marriage and children too early in the dating process can scare off your date. Focus on enjoying the present moment and getting to know each other first.


Now to get that first date started off right, here are 10 things to do on date night!

  • Arrive Fashionably On Time: Punctuality shows you’re reliable and excited to see them. It’s like saying, “I’m so looking forward to this that I wouldn’t dream of being late!” Plus, nobody likes waiting, right?

  • Dress to Impress, Comfortably: Pick an outfit that’s stylish but still you. You want to look good and feel great. Your confidence will shine through, and your date will appreciate the effort you put into looking sharp.

  • Listen Like a Pro: Make your date feel like the most interesting person in the room. Ask questions, nod, and show genuine interest in what they’re saying. Active listening is a superpower that makes people feel valued.

  • Compliment Genuinely: Drop a heartfelt compliment or two. Whether it’s about their smile, their laugh, or their choice of shoes, a genuine compliment can light up their day and make you memorable.

  • Manners Matter: Politeness is timeless. Hold doors, say “please” and “thank you,” and be courteous. Good manners show respect and can make your date feel comfortable and appreciated.

  • Share Fun Stories: Have a few interesting stories ready to go. Whether it’s a hilarious mishap or a cool adventure, sharing engaging anecdotes can break the ice and give your date a glimpse of your fun side.

  • Keep it Positive: Stay upbeat and focus on the good stuff. Share positive experiences and steer clear of negative talk. A positive attitude is contagious and can make your date enjoy your company even more.

  • Body Language Speaks: Your body language says a lot. Smile, maintain good eye contact, and keep an open posture. It shows you’re engaged and interested, and a warm smile can work wonders.

  • Be Authentically You: There’s no need for a facade. Be genuine and let your true personality shine. Authenticity is attractive, and being yourself will make for a more relaxed and enjoyable date for both of you.

  • Plan a Fun Date: Choose an activity that’s fun and allows for conversation. Whether it’s a cozy coffee shop, a casual walk, or a fun mini-golf game, a well-thought-out date shows you care about creating a great experience.

With these do’s and don’ts for first dates, you should be ready to impress. Make sure you lay back, have fun and above all, be yourself!

Happy dating!!

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