There are many ways to keep things spicy in a committed monogamous relationship. We may be the best matchmakers out there, but we are also a married couple with kids - so we are always looking for new ways to reinvent the wheel. One night after the kids were put to sleep we pulled out some board games, poured a cocktail, and turned on some of our favorite tunes.
We decided to play
Jenga this time. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s the wood block tower that you have to pull a piece out and place it back on top. It’s extremely aggravating but loads of fun. To change things up this time, each of us took half the blocks and wrote something sexy, steamy, or silly on each one. Think of it like those Sexy Dice you find at Romance Shops.

Three words: BEST. NIGHT. EVER! We took board games to a whole new level. Turned it up to eleven and Game Night now became DATE Night! This is just the tip of the iceberg for what we do and what we have our couples in need do. Almost anything can be made sexy if you just use your imagination. Strip Poker anyone?
Need help keeping the romance alive in your relationship? Searched matchmaker near me? We are the best matchmaking company out there. Reach out and touch us for more information
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