We recently posted a little video on our Instagram dubbing Wednesdays #WhatAboutYouWednesday. Why? WHY NOT! One of the first and most important things to have at the ready when it comes to finding love is YOU.
YOU need to be whole within yourself before you can find your other half. Taking time out once in a while to do something fantastic for yourself is important. Believe it or not people can see when a person is lacking self-confidence and esteem. Think of it like a scent that you are giving off.
Today you are going to go out and do something for YOU!
Get a massage you’ve been really needing. How about buying that pair of jeans you know you feel great in? Take yourself out to a nice dinner, sit at the bar, order your favorite meal and have a relaxing cocktail. Go see that movie you’ve been really wanting to see but have had no one to go see it with- go alone grab some popcorn and enjoy! Get a mani/pedi – guys you can do this one too!
Love yourself and love will find you! If you need a little help we are the perfect Date Coaches to guide you all the way. Drop us a line or give us a call!