Loooking for love online has become the norm these days. The long lost art of actually getting off the couch and getting all dressed up and looking for “the one” in person has seemed to disappear like the almost forgotten TELEPHONE! Remeber the days when you actually CALLED someone and TALKED to them? Sigh.
With profiles online on dating sites and social network pages, the only way we “get to know” someone is by seeing a bunch of words on screen and let us not forget the all to familiar PROFILE PIC. Fist impressions whether on a screen or in the flesh still holds the same rule: YOU ONLY GET ONE CHANCE SO MAKE IT A GOOD ONE!
Here are our DO’s and DONT’s when it comes to showing off YOU!
1. ANIMAL LOVERS- nobody loves your animals more than you do. KEEP IT THAT WAY! No one says you can’t have pets, just no one needs to see you making out with your kitty or dressing your pooch up in cute outfits like it’s about to walk the runway. Keep pet pics seperate for the love of all that is furry!
2. IT’S FIVE-O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE RIGHT?- love booze? No problem but it’s not sexy to take pics with cocktails, beer cans, or shot glasses hanging from your mouth. Do you REALLY want to let the opposite sex think you’re a lush?! No drinks in pics!!
3. SMOKE ‘EM IF YA GOT ‘EM- Cigarettes are so passe and vaping sorry isn’t as cool as you think it is. Midnight toker? No one wants to see pics of you puff, puff, passing in any capacity. COUGH COUGH WHEEZE.
4. DUCK, DUCK, GOOSE!- JUST STOP WITH THE DUCK FACE SELFIES!!! No one thinks your hot AT ALL! It’s not cute and you look rediculous! Leave the BLUE STEEL to ZOOLANDER please.
5. COVER UP- this goes out to the guys! FOR THE SAKE OF ALL WOMEN no one needs tickets to the “Gun Show” we get it you have muscles, you work out. We don’t need to see you flexing them in a locker room mirror or your manscaping bathroom at home in a towel. A nice suit turns us on! Can you say Mr. Grey? HELLO?!
6. EX DOES NOT MARK THE SPOT- EX-cuse me but why do you still have pics up of you and your EX?! Do you think that’s going to get you a new mate? No one wants to see that! Out with the old in with the YOU!
Simple tasteful full body or three quarter shots of you and ONLY you is all you need to find love. After all, the person is falling in love with you not anything else right?! DestinandRachel.comcan help you create a new or fix up an old online profile. Just drop us a line for pricing and a consult!