Valentine Woes

It’s that time of year when Cupid is shooting his love filled bow, the stores are packed with pink and red hearts and giant boxes of chocolate. Lovers everywhere are shopping for that perfect romantic gift and planning that intimate dinner. However, does anyone think about the millions of singles that are dreading this day?

Here’s what to do when you’re single on Valentine’s Day!
TREAT YOURSELF- this is the day when you can say “It’s all about ME!” get your hair done, get your nails done, buy yourself something that makes you feel sexy and go out and have some fun! YES GO OUT! No moping or winning or Netflix and Chilling!
DATE- Valentine’s Day is not off limits for a first date. Go out, enjoy, and for the love of Cupid KISS AT THE END OF THE DATE! Trust us it’s important!
THIRD WHEEEL SYNDROME- Avoid going out with friends that are in relationships. In other words, don’t be the single person at the couples get together. It’ll just make you depressed.
Remember, every day should be about love not just one. This gives you 365 Days to find that perfect guy or girl. Need direction give us a call or book a session with us now!

What About You?

We recently posted a little video on our Instagram dubbing Wednesdays #WhatAboutYouWednesday. Why? WHY NOT! One of the first and most important things to have at the ready when it comes to finding love is YOU.
YOU need to be whole within yourself before you can find your other half. Taking time out once in a while to do something fantastic for yourself is important. Believe it or not people can see when a person is lacking self-confidence and esteem. Think of it like a scent that you are giving off.

Today you are going to go out and do something for YOU!
Get a massage you’ve been really needing. How about buying that pair of jeans you know you feel great in? Take yourself out to a nice dinner, sit at the bar, order your favorite meal and have a relaxing cocktail. Go see that movie you’ve been really wanting to see but have had no one to go see it with- go alone grab some popcorn and enjoy! Get a mani/pedi – guys you can do this one too!
Love yourself and love will find you! If you need a little help we are the perfect Date Coaches to guide you all the way. Drop us a line or give us a call!

You Posted What?

The world is made up of everything technology… including finding love. We have moved on from the age old art of matchmaking to signing up and joining one or more dating sites. Even our social networks have become a place to meet that someone special.
We create profiles sending out the message “Here I am world, me in all my glory! Now, send me my soul mate!” What happens next? We get TONS, and I mean TONS, of winks, hits and PMs, but they’re ALL WRONG for us! We ask ourselves “WHY?”
Here are the top 5 STRANGEST things people put in their DATING PROFILE that we simply SOH (Shake Our Head) to.
The “I’m in a towel, in the bathroom so look at me” selfie mirror pic- no one needs to see ANYONE in the bathroom doing ANYTHING. Especially when your bathroom isn’t the cleanest. Gross.
The “Here I am, but I’m standing with my EX and pixeled his face” pic- ALWAYS post pictures of you and just YOU! No one wants to see a creepy floating body next to you with some blacked out head. Just plain awful. One word – PHOTOSHOP.
Talking about how you are looking for someone to sit on your lap and “play daddy with”- Yes folks, we have seen this first hand in profiles. Not only does it REEK of creepy, but it also sends out the obvious message that you are just looking for sex.
Posting your residence or business in your profile… SERIOUSLY?! Have you ever heard the term STALKER before? Be safe, not stupid!
The “here’s a nice pic of my feet.” – being proud of your body is fantastic! Showing just those bits in your pictures… well, there are special sites for that.
Don’t be part of this kind of profile madness! Get the help you deserve and we KNOW you will succeed! Give us a call or email us!

2017 is about YOU!

Happy New Year!
Its time to put you first and do what it takes to be happy! Lets us help you! In less than ninety days and for a lot less than you think – we can help get you into an amazing relationship! Email us today and lets start THIS WEEK! What are you waiting for???!!!
Destin and Rachel

Worst Advice Ever

Everyone always seems to want to give their two cents when it comes to relationships or really anything for that matter! We came across this FANTASTIC little article from the minds of MSN. This gem goes over some of histories WORST MARRIAGE ADVICE from so-called experts of their era. It’s pretty hilarious and just goes to show you that you should always do your do diligence when seeking help from others.

Hope you enjoy the article as much as we did! Remember we are always here to give you our help in love and life all you have to do is contact us!

Sex First?

Everyone seems to be all about the dating app Tinder. Swipe left. Swipe Right. Ok now let’s meet up not for coffee, not for dinner, but to have sex THEN see if we are a good fit. No talking first just foreplay then a bit of the Horizontal Hokey Pokey.
Chemistry and looks ARE important to men and women however IS it smarter to test out the “cookies” before looking into the recipe? I mean isn’t that like putting the cart before the horse?
It feels like the wide world of dating is going backwards. What happened to the rule NO SEX BEFORE MONOGAMY?
Maybe there is something to be said for making sure you’re compatible physically before mentally and emotionally. Or maybe its just asking for a night of let downs and a STD Buffet? We want to know what you think. Sex first than date or keep it old fashioned? Let us know in the comments below! Remember always use protection and drop us an email at for all your love life help.

We’re Back

Do not adjust your screen or reload your page. That’s right fans thePower Coupleis back and badder than ever! After taking a much needed break from the world of matchmaking for a few years and focusing on Love and Life Coaching, we had a client that really wanted to be matched. You can try to run and hide from what’s in your blood but at the end of the day when you’re a Matchmaker you’re a MATCHMAKER…and we are MATCHMAKERS to the core. It was time to get back in the biz and who better to team up with than our old friend Patti.
We are super excited to be on the fabulous network WEtv and on the show Million Dollar Matchmaker. We know you all will be too! We love our fans and have appreciated all the support and shout-outs for us to come back to the land of television. Ask and ye shall receive!

Hello 2016


It seems like only yesterday we were still living in the year 2015. Time is flying so very fast these days. A brand new year means getting a fresh start at making your life even better. It’s good to reflect on the past as long as you learn from it and take the steps towards moving forward.
Everyone loves some good old fashioned New Year Resolutions so we have picked out some we feel are key to those looking for love this year and for those who want improve what they already have.
Love thy self- this can encompass all those resolutions we typically put on ourselves like: eating healthy, quitting smoking, stop drinking, exercise more etc. The number one key to happiness and being happy with YOU!Sisters before misters- hey remember those long nights hanging with girls and a bottle of wine? Let us not forget those friends that have been there for you through thick and thin. Just because you have found a man or for you guys a new gal, does not mean you drop your friends like yesterday’s news.Family first- just like friends, family is always number one. Call your mom, call your dad. Spend time with family as much as you can. Life is short and time is the enemy.Accent the positive- we can’t stress this enough: POSITIVITY! POSITIVITY! POSITIVITY! Ditch the toxic things and people in your life. Make the UNFRIEND and UNFOLLOW button your new best friend to those that fill our world with hate and death and all things NEGATIVE.
Stick with these for the new year and beyond and you can’t fail. Of course if you need some help along the way you can always count on us! Just give us shout and we will guide you along your journey to a better you.

Thankful For Love

It’s that time of the year when the air is crisp and the world is getting it’s Holiday Cheer on. With Thanksgiving right around the corner we have so very much to be thankful for ESPECIALLY with our new blessing on the way. Sin Halo can’t wait to be a big brother!
This is the time when everyone races out to hit Black Friday. Who wants to fight the masses? Who wants to camp out for hours freezing thier butts off just to get that deal? NO THANK YOU! The holidays shouldn’t be about “stuff” it should be about family and most importantly L-O-V-E!
This season we want to spread a little love to YOU! is the perfect place to get or give the gift that keeps on giving. It’s not too early to start those resolutions and get your current relationship the refreshing it needs. Do you have a friend that really needs help looking for Mr. or Mrs. right? Instead of running out Thanksgiving just hit us up right here and set up a consult for your friend! We have special holiday discounts and let’s face it, it’s better than a fruitcake! We wish you all a love filled Thanksgiving!