A Picture Says A Thousand Words

Loooking for love online has become the norm these days. The long lost art of actually getting off the couch and getting all dressed up and looking for “the one” in person has seemed to disappear like the almost forgotten TELEPHONE! Remeber the days when you actually CALLED someone and TALKED to them? Sigh.
With profiles online on dating sites and social network pages, the only way we “get to know” someone is by seeing a bunch of words on screen and let us not forget the all to familiar PROFILE PIC. Fist impressions whether on a screen or in the flesh still holds the same rule: YOU ONLY GET ONE CHANCE SO MAKE IT A GOOD ONE!
Here are our DO’s and DONT’s when it comes to showing off YOU!
1. ANIMAL LOVERS- nobody loves your animals more than you do. KEEP IT THAT WAY! No one says you can’t have pets, just no one needs to see you making out with your kitty or dressing your pooch up in cute outfits like it’s about to walk the runway. Keep pet pics seperate for the love of all that is furry!
2. IT’S FIVE-O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE RIGHT?- love booze? No problem but it’s not sexy to take pics with cocktails, beer cans, or shot glasses hanging from your mouth. Do you REALLY want to let the opposite sex think you’re a lush?! No drinks in pics!!
3. SMOKE ‘EM IF YA GOT ‘EM- Cigarettes are so passe and vaping sorry isn’t as cool as you think it is. Midnight toker? No one wants to see pics of you puff, puff, passing in any capacity. COUGH COUGH WHEEZE.
4. DUCK, DUCK, GOOSE!- JUST STOP WITH THE DUCK FACE SELFIES!!! No one thinks your hot AT ALL! It’s not cute and you look rediculous! Leave the BLUE STEEL to ZOOLANDER please.
5. COVER UP- this goes out to the guys! FOR THE SAKE OF ALL WOMEN no one needs tickets to the “Gun Show” we get it you have muscles, you work out. We don’t need to see you flexing them in a locker room mirror or your manscaping bathroom at home in a towel. A nice suit turns us on! Can you say Mr. Grey? HELLO?!
6. EX DOES NOT MARK THE SPOT- EX-cuse me but why do you still have pics up of you and your EX?! Do you think that’s going to get you a new mate? No one wants to see that! Out with the old in with the YOU!
Simple tasteful full body or three quarter shots of you and ONLY you is all you need to find love. After all, the person is falling in love with you not anything else right?! DestinandRachel.comcan help you create a new or fix up an old online profile. Just drop us a line for pricing and a consult!

The Truth Behind Why You’re Single


You think you know, but really you don’t. No, it’s not just because you’re picky, or that online dating doesn’t work, or because you’re not the right body type. Nope… none of those things. And hey, you’re not high maintence, right? You look banging in that outfit, right? You’re online profile is perfect, right? It’s time to grab a mirror and REALLY look at yourself… and see the TRUTH behind why you’re still single.
No one loves the sound of your own voice more than you. Try shutting your trap and stop being so opionionaited. Thoughts and beliefs are great when appropriate, but when you make something all about you, that’s ONE BIG TURN OFF!Complain, complain, COMPLAIN! While on the subject of putting a cork in it, no one wants to hear you vocalize your innner bitchyness. Leave the whinning to the five year olds, please. Profile Image- exposing “the girls” in that itty bitty bikini while holding a cocktail and smoking a cigarette, is not going to help you find Prince Charming. And guys, taking that selfie in the bathroom mirror in nothing but a towel to show off that so-called six pack, is not going to get you a wife! (Stay tuned for next week’s blog on the do’s and don’ts of profile pics!)Hood Rat, Hood Rat, Hoochie Mama- dress to impress, YES! Dressing like you’re going to be sliding up and down on a pole- NO! On the other end of the spectrum – yoga pants, Man Buns, muscle tees, flip flops, or sweaters with kittens on them, ain’t going to fly either! Find the balance of classy meets sexy, not trashy meets messy.Where you at?- hitting the nightclub is just a Meat Market Sex Buffet. Nope, no love here. Think objectivley about where you’re going and what you want from it. Don’t be an idiot!
Sometimes you need to fall further down the rabbit hole to see what’s REALLY going on. Once you peel back the layers and follow our guidelines, you will notice a HUGE change in the type of guy or girl you meet. This is just the tip of the iceberg! Let us help you get out of Singledom and into the Kingdom of Love! Contact us for help!

Five Signs He’s A Cheater


You’ve found the man of your dreams. He’s perfect in every way. Things are going great. But wait, something just doesn’t seem right. You can’t put your finger on it. Your friends and family haven’t a clue what you’re talking about, but you know… you know – it’s time to investigate those little… or HUGE red flags.
Girlfriends, if you fear he’s cheating on you, he probably is…
Here are some things to look out for:
1. The Traveling Man- does your fellow travel for business? Does he come home with perfectly washed and pressed clothing after a quick weekend away? Most men arrive with nothing but more laundry for his doting girl to do. Cleaned and pressed clothes returning from a business trip COULD be the result of getting rid of the evidence!
2. Secret Password- ever want to borrow your man’s laptop or tablet and he just won’t let you for no good reason? His search history is always clear, his email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are always locked and blocked. He may be hiding something… or SOMEONE!
3. Likes/Dislikes- sudden changes in his taste of food? Loved going with you to the beach, but now doesn’t? Suddenly, he’s listening to a band that is ten years younger than he would normally listen to? Is he using slang that only someone younger would use? Sound the alarm- he’s absorbing what SHE likes!
4. Sharp Dressed Man- since when did his appearance really matter to him? Now suddenly he’s stepped out of GQ MAGAZINE and he’s shaving on certain days. He’s dressed to impress when he’s not with you and looks like a shlub when he is. In the animal kingdom we call that ‘presenting’. He’s got his plumes looking prefect for that new hen.
5. Bling Bling- since when did your man change his cologne? He was always an Aqua Di Gio kind of guy and now he’s bathing in Kenneth Cole!? And skinny jeans? Wait, what happend to those old, baggy pants he’s had since high school? How about the trendy watch he just happend to “find” or the necklace he “got as a gift?” Yeah, I don’t think so, buddy.
Time to start opening your eyes ladies! You can chalk this up to paranioa, but let’s face it, paranioa is your Women’s Intuition telling you what’s up. Don’t get played by a player! Time to call him OUT!
If you’ve caught your mate cheating or have your doubts, CONTACT US we can help you out

Social Network Three Day Cleanse


With everyone on detox-fat reducing-vegan-gluten free cleanses these days, how about one for old and new relationships? WARNING: THIS IS NOT FOR THE WEAK!!
In just three days you are going to lose TONS, not pounds, and we don’t mean the kind you shed from your body.
DAY ONE: Twitter Purge- love tweeting about your new BF or GF but still have old tweets about that time you and your EX were sipping Pumpkin Spice Lattes at Starbucks? Now is the time to go through EVERY SINGLE tweet about your EX and DELETE them!
DAY TWO: INSTA-Rinse- Awe isn’t that a cute picture of you and your new bae lounging by the pool. Wait, what’s that? There are like fifteen pics of you and your EX lounging by the pool too! Come on, time for those finger crunches! Let’s shed those pounds! DELETE!!!! Why are they still up on your Instagram? Do you like looking at old memories of someone you dumped or dumped you?! Well, niether does your new love!
DAY THREE: Facebook Freedom- The final day is here and you survied the first two. You already feel lighter and happier now that you’re free of anything resembling your EX on Twitter and Instagram. But this one is the hardest challenge of them all. If there’s one thing we DESPISE the most, it’s seeing someone in a new wonderful relationship with a profile pic smooching and all, and they STILL HAVE ALBUMS OF THE EX! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! DELETE!!! Come on, we know you can do it. Out with the old in with the new! How disrespectful is it to the new person in your life to see all this? Besides, would you want to see that on his or her page? Nope, nope, NOPE!
We know it’s tough. We know it’s hard. Hoarding memories in your Social Network homes is just not good for the heart or the soul. Follow this cleanse and you will be free of all that porcessed junk. Clean never felt so good!
Still too weak to do this on your own? We can help you every step of the way with our EX-Cleansing program! All you have to do is contact us and you’ve taken the first step!

Second Date Do’s & Don’ts


CONGRATULATIONS! You made it through round one! Let’s recap- on your first date, you met in a public place, you didn’t talk about yourself too much, you kept the office at the office, if you have kids you didn’t talk about them, and at the end of the date you had a goodnight kiss. WELL DONE!
Time for round two! First of all, there are a lot of elements from round one you’re going to have to re-embrace- still meet in a public setting, keep the conversation light, and make sure to end with a smooch. Getting this down will now help you with these tips:
Question Bounce- for every question they ask, ask at least one question back with a follow up. In other words, help them expand on thier answer so you can dig a little deeper.Kiddo Chatter- Have kids? Dying to talk about them? Now’s your opportunity for NO MORE THAN A TOTAL OF FIVE MINUTES and not all at once!The Nine To Fiver- Passionate about what you do? Got a funny story or two about what went down at the office? This is a good time to share a little more about who you are by HOW you talk about what you do. DON’T go on and on, but keep it brief and interesting. Remember to get your date to do the same!Hobby Lobby- No we don’t mean the store. Here’s a great time to really get into common interests and unique ones too. Again, keep it even don’t go on for an hour on how much you love cats or for you men your obsession with football. The Dirty Flirty- You’ve agreed to a second date so now is the moment to show you’re interest and release a bit of those pheremones. As the date winds down it’s up to you to decide if you’re interested or not so if you are, it’s time to put it out there. SUBTLEY! DON’T go jumping into his lap. Guys DON’T go for second base. DO sit closer. DO have some physical contact when talking- hand on the shoulder etc.
All in all smile a lot, laugh a lot, and have a fantastic time! If round three is a go- that’s when the fun really begins! Dates not working out? Dates working out too well and too fast? We are here to help! Contact DestinandRachel.com for all your love, life and dating needs!

Remember: Safety First

Dating is always a multitude of things – exciting, fun, adventurous, a pain, anxiety provoking, and yes, even dangerous. With scary events like the ‘Craigslist Killings,’ Jeffery Marsalis etc. meeting someone for the first time can be down right terrifying. You never know if the person behind the profile is real… or a Fakester.
As Love Experts and world renouned Matchmakers, we know that the number one step in dating is to do it right and do it safe! Fellas, this applies to you too, so listen up! Here are DestinandRachel.com’s tips to making sure you don’t end up fooled… or worse.
1. Reach Out and Touch Someone- hey, remember that thing called a phone? You know for TALKING on? Do a maximum 15 minute phone call after your first few online interactions.
2. Facetime- if all goes well on the phone have a Skype date! This way you get to really see the person before going all in.
3. Notify Next of Kin- make sure your closest pals and local family know that you’re going on a date and where and when it is.
4. Meet Up- sorry it’s not 1955 anymore, so take your own car or Uber and meet him or her at the selected location. No one likes a stalker, kids.
5. Public Place- always meet in a public setting. If he or she wants to have a soire at thier maison- JUST SAY NO!

Play your cards right and you just may find that perfect soul mate! If you are looking to get help with your online dating profile drop us a line DestinandRachel.com

Ex-em Out

Everyone at some point has dated, dumped, and been dumped. Let’s face it we all have ex’s! Ok great but what about the gift that keeps on giving – an Ex that just won’t go away! It’s over now move on- nope. How does one get rid of an Ex that just won’t let go? If you’re the one, how can you get over your ex once and for all?
There are many ways to stop the Ex from popping back up like last night’s indigestion:
DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! – still pals on Facebook? Keeeping up on your Ex’s whereabouts on Twitter? Looking at all those happy single moments on Instagram? Well not anymore! CUT THEM OUT!- mutual friends? Still chatting on the phone with their family? Sorry, not sorry but that’s a big no-no. STALKER MUCH?- is your Ex showing up everywhere you go? Are YOU the one “just happening to be in the neighborhood?” One word- UH, NO. (Ok, so that was two words.)
These are just a few of the many ways to EX-orcise your demons of the past. You broke up- ’nuff said. We can help you all you have to do is ask! There’s some AMAZING person out there waiting just for you!

Co-Habi What?

You met, dated, and now you think you’re in love. What’s next marriage? Family? Hold on there let’s take a breath and back it up a smidge. Looks like it’s time to merge lives – time to Co-habitate! More and more couples are out with the old fashioned way of getting married then moving in they are living with each other first. Time to see if we are compatable before we take the plunge into Happily Ever After.
There are tons of positive results when moving in with your mate before marrying them. Always make sure you both are ready. Can you imagine if you married your true love, moved in, then realized they were a complete slob? Or vice versa! We can help you figure out how to go about finding the perfect place for BOTH of you. We can help you learn to deal with an accept eachother’s quirky habits, collections, and interests. How about creating a space that represents each of you instead of fighting over what stays and what goes?
When you’re ready to shack up hit us up! Contact us today to get going!