Everyone seems to be all about the dating app Tinder. Swipe left. Swipe Right. Ok now let’s meet up not for coffee, not for dinner, but to have sex THEN see if we are a good fit. No talking first just foreplay then a bit of the Horizontal Hokey Pokey.
Chemistry and looks ARE important to men and women however IS it smarter to test out the “cookies” before looking into the recipe? I mean isn’t that like putting the cart before the horse?
It feels like the wide world of dating is going backwards. What happened to the rule NO SEX BEFORE MONOGAMY?
Maybe there is something to be said for making sure you’re compatible physically before mentally and emotionally. Or maybe its just asking for a night of let downs and a STD Buffet? We want to know what you think. Sex first than date or keep it old fashioned? Let us know in the comments below! Remember always use protection and drop us an email at DestinandRachel.com for all your love life help.